Tuesday, August 04, 2009

of World War II and my grandfather

me, my grandfather and my grandmother (my 2 favouritest old folks in the world)

i was watching the History Channel just now, and they were airing a documentary on Pearl Harbour and the Japanese invasion of the USA, which marked the start of World War II.

instantly i was reminded of my grandfather- the history buff. the sheer number of books at home on World War II and the Japanese invasion, especially of Malaya was stupendous. there's a whole cupboard full of them and i've only read a few of them up to now. the one on General Hideki Tojo was a bit harder to finish...now that i m older, i don't think i have the excuse of youthful folly or impatience.

it was my grandfather who first introduced me to the joys of reading history and appreciating what the people in the past had gone through to create a better future. he was full of interesting stories, together with my grandmother the dinner table would come alive! :D

he also taught me to use the dictionary to find out the meaning of words when i was 8 - i remember looking up 'bigot'. in fact, i think the love of reading was passed down from him to my mother to me! building on his 'library' (really the third room at the back of the house, dubbed 'Lau's Library'), we've added more books and shelves through the ages from the first few ones.

... so it makes me sad to realise again that he's lost almost all his memories. he can't recognise most of us at home, and to know that only the physical being is there most of the time ... i'm trying to be glad i knew him during the time before this and that we shared some good times.
i'm who i am today, because of him.

and i go back ever so often to visit my 2 favouritest old folks in the world - the inevitable will happen someday. but before that, i want to hold each moment dearly and embrace it with all my heart.
let's love before it's too late ... !

/edit: i just received news that my colleague's grandmother just passed away yesterday. and right after i had written this post.
i say a requiem for her, and to tell you the truth, i was tearing up too when she broke the news during the meeting this evening. it took all of me not to cry with her and go on with the discussion. :(
take care - i know that you're the hardworking, ultra responsible type of person, but all is in good hands and may your grief lessen with time.

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