Saturday, April 04, 2009

donating blood/ tax season/ Holy Week

i donated blood for the first time last Monday and ... i think i may have overcome that awful needle phobia i had that stopped me from giving blood all this while. like the blood donation poster says, it really shouldn't be an excuse!

it wasn't that scary, and you'll feel a small prick as the needle goes in and your blood starts going out. and i did it by simply not looking when they put in the needle because i couldn't bring myself to see.
the end result was a bag full of my dark-red O+ blood (universal donor, haha) and it gave me a odd but good feeling. remembering that when my grandmother was admitted in the CCU and that someone was kind enough to come forward to give blood which she badly needed, i m hoping that my small contribution would be able to do the same. :)


it's tax season. ungggggggggghh. having to locate old receipts and fill up forms and then pay the LHDN money. me no likey, but hey, like Ben Franklin said, it's the only thing certain in life besides death. and so the hunt begins ...


Holy Week is next week. wow, it's been so fast, and i feel that this Lent has not been particularly good for me- just how often have i forsaken my fasts and abstinences and fallen prey to temptations. ...
falling is part of being human, but there's an invitation inherent in His extended hand to cooperate with Him to get through this life the right way, come what may. and to believe that my efforts, pitiful and half-hearted, are valued and count for something.
and because i m oh-so-fallible, i remember the same of my fellow humans and try to be a little less judgmental and a little more compassionate.

and on a less serious note, Hot Cross Buns are on sale in SFX ... scrummy! :)

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