Sunday, March 29, 2009

new job/ cooking / memories

hello all - been a bit since i last did a blog post update style. yes, i am in a new job and have been there since feb 09.

it's really very different from my previous position, and suffice to say, so many of the things i thought i'd never touch again since leaving law school ... i'm really getting into the heart and soul of them now. :) needing to relearn and unlearn useless and outmoded methods and concepts. it's what i do everyday.

sometimes i find myself missing my old files, my work in the firm before, my friends but i remember that life's about moving forward and that's the reason why we have eyes in front to look ahead, and not backward.


cooking! my new hobby. well, sort of. if cooking pasta and preparing salads and tuna sandwiches count, then i guess i've started already.

i remember a disastrous foray in which the first slice of french toast was burnt, and the second one undercooked. i ate both manfully but swore to be more careful next time. there hasn't been a next time re french toast yet. hmmm...

still, i m hoping to progress to better and more delicious dishes in the future. although it's a bit of a pain to cook for only one person i.e. myself, i will continue. to that end, i've got 2 recipe books with me to start off.


memories are only as painful as you let them eat into your very being. feeling the keen edge of sorrow, i learn to let go.

coming across an old journal and seeing a name in print that made me weep so often in the past, it surprises me that i m not in such pain anymore. although it seems that things may never come to pass, i've learned that the way of God is to delight each of us in small gestures unexpectedly. and that life is the constant expression of this hope.

and instead of mourning, i come to celebrate the fact that i was able to know such a person and to be glad that we had good moments together.

1 comment:

Tina K said...

aww.u dont have to cook for one person...i volunteer to be your food taster! and I'm only 3 mins away from ur house! hehe