Thursday, October 01, 2009

a sampling of some really random questions

a sampling of some really random questions playing about in my mind:

1. why do men need skin whitening products?

2. how is it that the boss always calls you when you have already left the office, and not on days when you actually stay late?

3. what is the real meaning of 'when your time comes'? or is it just a cheap watch ad tagline?

4. are bitchy/apathetic/ stupid people ever aware of their own bitchiness/apathy/stupidity? which leads me to the next:-

5. how can i literally knock sense into such people?

6. where is a person's gaydar located? i'm still looking about for mine.

and finally:-

7. why, oh why, why do strange, weird, peculiar people randomly come up to me and tell me strange, weird and peculiar things? cue my previous posts.
do i have an invisible neon sign on my forehead attracting them that i m not aware of?

see. i m not all that serious all the time. :P

and anyone who has any answers is free to drop me a line or leave it in the comment box.

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