Sunday, September 20, 2009

What would you do if you weren't ...

What would i do if i weren't a lawyer?

i was asked that question the other day over dinner. i looked askance at the person who asked me that, and he looked back at me enquiringly.
i smiled a little and said 'a travelling poet. i'd travel from place to place and write poems'.
the response i got was 'not a job'. :P

on hindsight, that wasn't such a surprising response. my mother told me the same thing when i told her i wanted to be a writer at the age of 11. you need a day job to pay the bills, and to put food on the table, so i was told i needed a more stable job, which by all accounts i have right now.

i suppose growing up does put things in a different light. while i haven't quite closed the door on that dream yet, i am focused on the present realities and enjoying them to the fullest.

but well, if you are willing to sponsor my travels, i'll write you a poem ;)


Smith said...


I believe that everyone of us has a dream job that linger at our mind. However, most of us choose to work at a stable job that contains partially our interest. I think we should feel blessing as long as we are gifted with a decent job and we can explore our interest during our free time. Take care.


the Sojourner said...


well spoken :D. agree with you there. hence my poetry blog, and my occasional jaunts in and out of the country.



Weng said...

The question was what would you do, not what would you work as, if you weren't a lawyer

The response 'not a job' to the answer 'a travelling poet' is accordingly neither here nor there.


zewt said...

now i know... you're a lawyer... :)

the Sojourner said...

Weng and zewt,

you both made me smile :)

(and this on a not so good day at the office too!)
