Saturday, September 12, 2009

the teaching/facilitating experience

the teaching/facilitating experience - one i went through on a minor scale just yesterday when i was at Lifeline CG in SFX.

to prepare for your lessons by reading the materials, understanding it fully or as best as possible, thinking about the many methods by which to impart the knowledge to your students - in lecture fashion? by using slides? real life examples or case studies? by analogies? to take them above and beyond lectures alone?
and to listen to your students discuss the lesson - to see where they are coming from, and if their original premise is flawed, to correct them and show the path again. you not only teach but in so many instances are also being taught.

and this process repeats itself without monotony as each student and each batch taken as a whole differs in their needs and levels of understanding and maturity. it's something organic and living, and in so many ways, something beautiful and yet frustrating because there are times when they 'just don't get it' and yet, you want to keep on because you know the light in their eyes when they do makes it worth the trouble and effort.

it seems so insignificant, but i'd like to think it makes a difference. i don't have a giant spotlight, but i like my candle very much, thank you and i'll keep on burning for Him.

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