Monday, August 24, 2009

i got tired

i got tired of waiting for a miracle.

so right now, it's down to making the best of what i've got and living each day to the fullest.
who knows what the future will bring?

i know i don't, but it's up to me to give all i can to the moments God has seen fit to give me. regardless of that hole i sometimes feel in my heart, that emptiness since so long ago.

because in other times and lights, i don't feel hollow, i m moving along to an internal rhythm that only my Maker and i understand. and although i sometimes get scared of being lonely, i feel the aloneness and know He's with me, even if i don't always feel Him.

1 comment:

Smith said...

Hi Pet,

As long as we keep at high spirit in life, the God that you believe is always with you. Gambade!!!