Wednesday, July 15, 2009

thoughts from a quiet corner

i'm about to leave the comfort of my bedroom soon after blogging this to prepare lunch tomorrow :- tuna tortillas. i got fed up of the limited choice of dishes at the cafeteria and well, i'd like to try cooking again! :)
esp after i'd been sick for so long. :P

can't say i m waiting for a miracle - because although it has the characteristics of one, it's something in my hands. and for what it's worth, who i am, where i've been all this while, what i've gone through, it has to lead somewhere. and little moments of grace, they will enter my life to sweeten and soothe my frazzled nerves every now and then.
YES to all my Family and Friends. i have not forgotten your support nor have i forgotten what i promised. it will be done.

Viktor Frankl said hope and purpose is what gives life meaning, and i hold to that with all my heart and soul.

there is a future, i know it. there is a place in this world where i can and will give my all and i know it too. and i will make a difference.

there will always be critics, no shortage of them, those whose greatest joy is nothing but to see us fail. but at least we're trying, every step forward is a step. no matter what happens to it in the end - whether we end up falling behind or having to just dust ourselves off and carry on.
i've met all kinds of bitches and bastards (and i will continue to meet them, something tells me that!) and survived so far. all shapes and sizes. and reminded myself that to become like that in turn is the worst thing to happen to me. can you imagine???
*** cue: bitchy!Petrina steps into a room and cattily tears other people interspersed with insincere comments and sickly sweet yet malicious smiles ***
(nope, i don't like that at all. it's up to you if you want to do that because i honestly think you're only accountable to the One above, anyway. you'll probably get away with it for now, but no one escapes divine justice)

besides, there are enough nice and kind people in this world to help it along and make up for the terrible people in it. so let's PUSH together, shall we?
(Pray Until Something Happens)


1 comment:

elizfong said...

Well, guess that's the thing call "life" that all of us have to go through.

I like the "PUSH", haha! :P