Sunday, July 12, 2009

how are you feeling / updates on work / of fashion sense

to the simple question - how i am feeling now : not that great.

i have a headache, my muscles are aching all over and it's not as if i entered a marathon (cue LV's recent shot at the Standard Chartered KL Marathon) and i have a lot more chores etc to do. i couldn't even make it for the talk at St Thomas More or Family Day at SFX.

oh, and i have a cavity beneath an old filling which was just discovered after a week or so of extra sensitivity from that tooth - so it's 50-50 whether the tooth can be merely filled up again (the less painful and cheaper option) or it's a ROOT CANAL for me (much much more pain and much much more expensive option). :(



moving on to work - starting to get used to the place.
i have a new room now which is conveniently located near the exit and the toilet. it's also rather secluded as it's next to the File Room so most of the time people seldom come there except to take files from the File Room.
or in Ash, Ariff and Gurdial's case, take IKO biscuits from me. :P kidding guys, i know you also want to say Hi to me kan?
(reminds me soooo much of NRS and the IKO biscuits back in SLB - Rummel, i will intro my new colleagues to the joy and wonder of IKO Calcium Plus biscuits, the type with special packaging and which you loved so much)

we have a Division conference coming up end July and it's in Belum, a place i am revisiting after what, 8 years...i went there with the BRATs team in end 2001 and it was a real eye-opener for me. the scars are still there, hahaha. hopefully this time the sandflies, mosquitoes and leeches will be kinder to me.
we'll see what the Division conference will be like. ;)


i bought a pair of skinny jeans the other day. AND a pair of boot cut jeans, a top, 2 blouses and 2 dresses.

yes. i went on a shopping spree then, and for what it's worth, i remember what the salesgirl said:-
"why do you always stick with the tried and tested?"
(i was asking after a pair of boot cut jeans)
i tried on the skinny jeans, and surprised myself by realising that in spite of non-modelesque proportions re my thighs i.e. i have thunder thighs :P, i looked good in the skinny jeans.

so yeah, well, it's time to throw out the old limitations and try something new. ever since i started work, i've found my fashion sense evolving.
while i used to content myself with just jeans and super baggy tees - i've learned the joys of skirts and fitted tops, and bright colourful dresses. i'm still trying things out and the happiness is really in the trying! :)

(i m feeling a bit better now. need to attend to laundry now, ta and have a good week ahead, folks!)

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