Sunday, January 18, 2009

a tribute to Mr Lye, my physics teacher

this post comes as a tribute to Mr Lye Kuan Yuen, my physics teacher in Form 4 and 5...

i still remember the time when he explained the Butterfly effect and the Chaos theory - you may not know it, but this opened a door in my mind to love philosophy and to look at physics in an entirely new and holistic manner.

from this seminal moment, i moved to reading 'a history of western philosophy' and post SPM, working out spinoza's theories on God in graphical form, understanding where the divide between believer and non-believer begins, to see and grasp what plato meant by the cave and shadow analogy ... and there was no turning back.

i've come to appreciate jurisprudence and plunge into it with an almost unthinkable fervour, so much so i still think about jurisprudential and philosophical issues in my life today,

thank you, dear teacher.

and for the time you believed in what i had to say - consequences be damned,

and for the time you shared such good advice with me, and encouraged me to pursue my dreams- i am still making it happen, even as i write this -

and for the jokes we've shared, pondering over physics problems (i never could work the maths out, preferring abstractions of thought and principle to the mechanics of how much pressure and force were :P) and working them out,

and for simply opening me up to live life a whole lot more.

thank you again.
God bless you! :)

how much i long to see you again and buy you a good meal, and tell you that you changed my life - well that day will come for sure. hopefully you still remember me by then. ;)

1 comment:

Tina K said...

the way you wrote, i thought he bad.
*knocks head*