Wednesday, July 01, 2009

finally (it's been far too long)

finally and really, it's been far too long,

i guess i'm starting to heal, actually heal from the wounds our encounter left me with.

to see you again, and talk to you, and really, wish you well, i m so glad. i loved you then, but now i love you in a different way. that much has changed between us. and yet, some things don't change. not that easily anyway.

i remember the 'hamtaro' doll i wanted to buy for you as a farewell gift (and i ended up buying a motivational poster instead, what the hell) and how much i wanted to hug you. i never did write that poem for you, although there are drafts on some forgotten sheets of paper - simple rhymes with crystalline imagery. i used to regret that i didn't get to give you the poem, but then again, maybe the time wasn't right then.

you've left me in many senses since i've known you, but the last one was the most painful. and yet, today, i take with me smiles and cheer and the beautiful memories of a gentle and kind soul. who is today my friend. still.

be good, and yes, when the time is right, i shall find what i am looking for. :)

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