Sunday, June 28, 2009

from sickness to health

from my last post on Dengue fever, i m happy to announce that my white blood cell and platelet count are back to normal from my last visit to the doctor on Friday. however, it will take me 2 weeks to get back to being at 100% ... and i still need to take things slowly and not overstrain myself. i get tired fast - even sitting here typing tires me. i am most likely taking a nap after this.

nevertheless, it's occurred to me as i was attending Mass after a 2 week absence, that God gives us this period of sickness for us to better appreciate our health. i know that i need to put some effort into building up my immune system again, after the shock it's suffered and this process will take some time. i've been eating lots of watermelon and drinking heaps of water and 100Plus, and staying away from fried food at the moment. which leads me to cravings for them, but well, all in good time! :)

and another not so tangible benefit is how it makes me understand where my priorities lie. a recommitment to what matters most, and knowing that i must do what i must to realise it. not to the exclusion of the people around me, but the inclusion of those who are important to me as their support cannot be underestimated ...
i am going to need it wherever i am going.

come what may, bring it on. i may have stumbled, fallen but i'll get up and walk again.

thank Him for leading me through the worst of my illness. and to all my friends and family. thank you again.


elizfong said...

Glad to hear that everything is OK for u. Rest well, don't over-strain yourself too much until you are fully recovered. Watermelon is good for you! :P And thanks again for the other day. Appreciate it a lot!!!

the Sojourner said...

thanks so very much too, and you're welcome. remember - friends share and friends care! :)

cheers and let's keep fighting the good fight!