Thursday, June 11, 2009

theology of the body / life updates / emergence

hi y'all - due to some build up of work recently, i haven't updated my blog for some time ... here's a run down of what i've been up to lately ...

i've been attending a course on the Gift and an Introduction to the Theology of the Body by Christopher West in SFX. a terrific course, and to think i only wanted to stay there for the first session because i was sceptical about the contents of the course. :P

in essence, this course deals with the most fundamental of issues - where does our body stand from the viewpoint of theology i.e. how do we as Christian Catholics relate to sex, marriage and/or celibacy and our bodies. i really did think it was about the body of Christ at first ... so yeah, a real eye-opener.
i learned that body DOES NOT equal sin and that marriage is to give us a foretaste of what heaven will be like.

where does this leave me? with a greater awareness of who i am, and that my body is worthy of love and respect and while the world keeps on screaming about gratutious sex, i'll learn to see it for what it is - an act of love that is bounded by sacrament. and mostly that the infinite fire within us cannot be quenched by small flames of sexual desire. we do really need God in the end.

it ends next week, and hopefully i'll be able to make it for the course on Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) in St Ignatius the following Monday. :)


attended 2 weddings of 2 terrific friends from uni days recently - RAZ better known as Raja Ahmad Zahir and Idris Seydalavi aka Idris C'est La Vie. the first was in Putrajaya (i was there on a weekend for a change, fancy that!) and the second was in Batu Pahat.

Siew Wee, Yin Harn and i drove down in SW's trusty Saga, and we managed to make our way to BP, home of Chua Soi Lek and the sex dvd story ...
-driving down neverending kampung roads at 80-90 km/h disregarding signs saying ' KAWASAN KAMPUNG - SILA KURANGKAN LAJU. :P
-watching out for stray cows, chickens, goats and little kids on bicycles. we didn't want to end up the subjects of a Pengetahuan Moral question. :P

and to cap it off, we stayed in the same hotel where a certain Dr Chua was caught on film cavorting with his female companion. no complimentary sex dvds though. and any person who had a hidden camera would have been bored silly - YH was listening to her MP3 player, i was reading and SW was playing with her laptop. and we were all talking in turn nonsense, current affairs in Malaysia and across the globe and gossip.

the weddings were inspiring and i participated in my first majlis bersanding at Idris' wedding. it was a fantastic experience and i sincerely wish both my friends a wonderful marriage ahead. God bless you guys. :)


emergence is slow, but worth the wait. as what comes forth comes from daring to face the truth, it becomes easier to make choices. patience is what makes the taste of the fruit sweeter. indeed, patience itself is a fruit of the Holy Spirit.

and God helps those who help themselves. although in the end, truly, what man proposes, God disposes. Amen.

He's not even asking for tremendous success from me. He's only asking that i try and trust in Him. so there!


Yin Harn said...

The trip is forever enshrined in the annals of history as the Great Batu Pahat Escapade. And don't forget the 'Carrefour Signs Point Way to Civilization' Rule.

the Sojourner said...

how could i forget the signs? we were hanging on to them (not literally, though) for dear life as the day turned darker :)

and to think we made it there without any major detours - truly a miracle.