Tuesday, June 16, 2009

of falling sick and peace of mind

falling sick yet again - i woke up on sunday morning with an emperor-sized headache and limbs aching all over. alternating between hot and cold, i stumbled out of bed and drank a cup of Milo.
i couldn't take anything more. as the day progressed, i got worse and worse. i thought i could make it for Corpus Christi, but nope, i fell right asleep after a porridge lunch and missed evening service.

my leave day (monday) was not much better. in fact, i think it was even worse. i had to miss the final Theology of the Body class (sore point) and i turned in at the unnaturally early hour of 8.45pm.

but i managed to wake up in good time for work today. and although there were masses of work waiting for me at the office - unfinished and all, i did learn something important.
peace of mind comes from accepting my human limitations.
there are still more battles to be fought in the coming days, why wear yourself out now?
and i learn to accept my imperfections, instead of demanding that everything be cut and dried, neat and tidy. life's a lot less straightforward than that (but that makes it interesting!) ...

i feel my bones aching. should i push on? calling it a night, i m glad to be human. aiming for excellence is enough for me, perfection is God's work. :)


1 comment:

Smith said...

Hi Pet,

Take care of your health.
Yes, we could achieve the peaceful mind when we accept who we are and how much we have now.
Only then, we could explore greater achievement with stable foundation:-)