Monday, April 13, 2009

The petrina7 MicroUniverse is now 6 years old!

yes, this blog is six (6) years old!

i can't quite believe it - charting my first few steps in law school to finishing law school to chambering to working as a corporate conveyancing lawyer to moving into service at the AG's Chambers as Federal Counsel.

seen quite a bit, felt quite a lot, and written somewhat about all of the above.
i think that rather sums up my blog.
it's gonna continue for quite a bit, as long as i am both living and love writing, neither which has seemed to abate so far...:)

to all my loyal faithful readers, petrina loves you. yes, she does. now remember to keep in touch with her now and then, because she'd love hearing from you. good or bad or just plain weird.


drumsticks said...

wow 6 years? that's really long..

hopefully ur still using the same phone number.. sent u a sms just now

the Sojourner said...

yup, sms duly read and replied. :)

no matter what you're feeling - no matter how alone you feel, that no one cares, no one understands, somewhere very deep within you, a stillness is speaking words of comfort and letting you know ...


and i'll keep on writing, thank you for reading! :)