Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter weekend / Kissaten / Less than

Happy Easter to all!

Good Friday this year was simply amazing - i was in the choir and attended the tenebrae service afterward as well.

somehow the gospel didn't seem to be as long and tiring as it used to be, and the petition prayers made more sense. i suppose it was because i started to understand just how deeply and how far God's love for us sinful and weak humans goes and the words took on a new life. they weren't just words in the end, they were flesh and blood, food for the soul. as the writer of Hebrews puts it, they are alive and real, sharper than a double jointed sword.

i'm attending Easter Sunday mass tomorrow, and look forward to helping out at the Easter Bazaar at Amcorp Mall afterward. if you're there, do come by and look for the Lifeline stall. it's in aid of St Francis Xavier (SFX) Building Renovation Fund. :)

oh, and earlier mentioned hot cross buns were duly purchased and eaten. joy!


i had lunch today at this simply sweet spot, Kissaten, over at Jaya One.
Harn had chicken mushroom spaghetti with a cream sauce while i had sizzling mushroom steak (pork, not beef - as you know, i can't eat beef) ... which was the best i had eaten in a long long while. tender, and no skimping on the meat - one thick slab, seasoned and marinated, cooked to perfection.
it was served with half a stewed tomato with just the right amount of garlic butter on top, carrots brocolli and grilled corn on the cob, lightly browned and so very sweet.

i was in food heaven, and the rich choco pudding which we shared for dessert was sweet without being overpowering and it was really truly chocolatey. it went exceptionally well with the green tea. (bottomless, ahha) and we had no trouble finishing it, sighing contentedly.

normally i abhor jap food, but i'll make an exception in this case. :) 9 stars out of 10, highly recommended.


never stay with anything or anyone which or who demands that you be less than all you can be.

in other words, don't be subject to someone else's insecurities. it's tough enough dealing with your own, anyway.


LV said...

pork is always good ;) thumbs up to siew yuk :P

the Sojourner said...

yes, and two thumbs up to char siew also :)