Sunday, February 08, 2009

25 random things about me

(taken off my fb account. for the benefit of those who don't have fb. :)

1. my Confirmation name is Antonia. named in honour of and for St Anthony of Padua - patron saint of those who misplace/lose their things. i've prayed so much for his help and have had my prayers answered so that naming myself after him was the only proper thing to do.

2. i have been writing poems since i was 10 and stories since i was 7. writing is like breathing to me. i especially love experimenting writing poetry in different forms e.g. sonnet, haiku, couplets and free verse.

3. my favourite number is 7 and i have a strange connection to the same number which i've noticed in my life. :)

4. i don't like horror movies, and i can get nightmares after watching them. i still remember the awful dreams i had after watching Stephen King's 'It'. the book was bad too. i' m still scared as hell of clowns, especially evil demonic children eating clowns.

5. i want to learn Japanese, German, French ... i want to improve my Mandarin, spoken and written. i love languages and i pick them up quite easily.

6. i may be noisy and like to 'buat kecoh' but at heart, i need lots of space and time - silence and solitude are my close companions. and i m really quite shy.

7. coffee drinking is something i only picked up in law school. before that it was milo or other chocolate based drinks all the way.

8. people never cease to fascinate me. i can people watch for hours, and i believe that people are inherently good, and that no matter how awful a person is, there is something worth redeeming in that person.

9. i love nature scenery but not the leeches, mosquitoes and other creepy crawlies i encountered on my jungle trek. :P

10. i would love to spend a beach holiday this way - beachcombing, walking by the sea in the early morning calm and meditating on God and life, lazing about and reading a good book after a delicious meal. there's something about the combination of surf, sand and sun that relaxes and refreshes me.

11. my family (mother's side) has been Catholic for a few generations back and i m thankful for the faith of my forefathers and foremothers to guide and sustain me.

12. i admire Mother Teresa, Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr each for their humanitarianism and their dedication to their dreams. i can only pray for a fraction of the same in my life.

13. maths is not my strong suit. i remember awful days doing add maths and feeling oh so stupid. ugh. thankfully those days are over.

14. i dislike injustice and unkindness and despise bullies. pick on someone your own size.

15. i was a librarian in school, and i love books an awful lot. i dream of having a giant glass fronted bookshelf filled my texts on law, philosophy, manga books, graphic novels and religious books etc. working on it. :)

16. from no. 15, i have eclectic and wide-ranging taste in books. i don't discriminate, except that maths, engineering, IT and science texts are not to my liking.

17. sleep is important - i need at least 7 hours to function properly.

18. i have a weakness for bookmarks and love making and collecting them. i also like receiving greeting cards.

19. Hokkien, but can't speak the lingo except bits and pieces. most at home in English followed by Canto, Malay, Mandarin, Hakka ...

20. i am restless and fidgety. altho i can also be completely focused on something and ignore noise and chaos around me to enter into it fully.

21. my idea of a fun time is long, deep and stimulating conversations with a few close friends or best of all, one on one with a close friend. i don't like crowds and noise, and prefer intimate gatherings to large and noisy ones with superficial chatter.

22. music i like is wide-ranging too. as long as it is not distasteful to my ears, i will listen to it.

23. two times when i write best - early morning and late at night.

24. i dislike eating seafood. except possibly fish. (which doesn't really count now, does it?)

25. i knit, and i am looking forward to taking it up again as it is just so relaxing. i used to do cross stitch too, in my younger days. crochet and tatting are beyond me though. :P

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