Thursday, December 17, 2009

Year End Review

It's almost the tail end of 2009. As i listen to the strains of yet another Christmas song, i sit and reflect on what has made 2009 such a memorable year for me.

Firstly, of course, is my career change. i had not imagined that i would end up working as Federal Counsel in the Attorney General's Chambers, in Putrajaya no less. after a year and a half of wandering about in the land of conveyancing and banking work, it seemed a tremendous sea change, and truth be told, quite scary too. some of the people around me predicted a terrible fate for me, an unending abyss of darkness. i was consigning my future to something bleak and black.

but this has to be the best thing that happened to me yet. taking a deep breath and then the plunge, it's not always been peaches and cream but the variety of tastes, experiences and the knowledge i've gained in terms of legal and non-legal aspects has been amazing. and more than makes up for the painful and depressing moments. and being snowed under at times by loads of work! :D

i like the fact that in the right light, what i do does make a difference. no matter what people say or tell me, or how civil servants are often dismissed as being unthinking beings who are lazy and have an easy life, i know that's not the truth and we do so much more. there's a lot more i can (and will) give.

what the future holds i don't know. but i m taking it with an open heart, and an open mind.


of course, this change opened the door for a greater involvement in Lifeline CG and Catholic Lawyers Society. and more than just simply joining in activities, i have come to love and serve God on a deeper and much more fundamental level. i talked about this earlier, and i m still continuing on the journey with Him.

it's about recognising Him in everything i do, and whatever that happens. and coming to love Him has opened the door to loving myself a lot more. i learned to value my strengths and talents, and know when i m being taken advantage of, and to learn from Him, slowly, the steadfastness and steadiness of heart all His servants have.

i have also participated in so many fun activities since - from talks on freedom of religion, to Bible Study/CG on Friday nights (such a change, i used to dread Friday nights last year - another empty weekend in a meaningless existence, did i live to just work? and work some more?) to the Star of the Sea retreat in Cameron Highlands - the great Strawberry WeekEnd! :D

i've become a lot lighter of heart. a lot happier. even when things go wrong, as they do every now and then. but looking at the bigger picture takes courage and faith and God has been gracious enough to give them to me in spades!


the fact is that i m not exactly in the best of shape physically. of course, the career change has shifted me from swinging between deprivation and over-indulgence to a more balanced diet, but not enoughphysical exertion. Putrajaya is not exactly near many places of fun, and sometimes by the time i get back, it's already quite late and i m too tired to exercise.

well, i will need to rethink my fitness plans, and the coming year presents me a prime opportunity to do so. martials arts classes are appealing. more so than dance classes. :P in the pipeline, peeps.


this is it. for now. i think on many fronts, 2009 was SUPER WAY BETTER than 2008. at least i don't feel empty and bored. as i did last year, right around this time. and that time i wondered what the hell, is there all there is to life? i m happy to report that that is not the case ...

and for that alone, thanks be to Him whose birth we celebrate :)

Blessed Christmas and Happy 2010!

/EDIT i managed to make the ps here come true. i feel absolutely blessed! :D who says wishes don't come true eh? 2009! woots!


Athena said...

hi hi Pet!
Finally made THE decision and making changes in life, it feels nice and liberating isn't it? ^_^
At this point, looking back, you'll wonder why it took u so long to finally decide and follow what your heart says. anyway, in the end it is for you to decide what makes you happy, not others.

Happy christmas, Pet!
(I know its still early, but everyone is in the mood already... ;p)

the Sojourner said...

Hye Ayu! :D

thanks for dropping by ... yup, i second what you said - we gotta decide what we want in life, and go for it. :)
follow our heart, and go towards the light...

thanks for the wishes, i already started to slow down way way a lot.
christmas leave officially starts next week for me! kekeke. XP

lovies, and take care...