Sunday, May 03, 2009

carving a path, cutting through the thicket

i'm carving a path, cutting through the thicket.

you have no idea how glad i am that i m not part of that scene anymore, and that my adopted mantra of trying something new once a week (at least) is working for the most part. i can't wait to go hiking this saturday! :)

falls, missteps along the way are inevitable, but the point is that this life is mine. and i do what i can to make it better. it's not so much about proving a point anymore than it is about living, learning and doing the best i can with each day that has been given me by God. and of course, myself.

water always seeks its own level, and i think we do well to learn from it. i've come to seek my own level and begin to be comfortable with my choices. from the significant to the insignificant.

cheers to life. cheers to love. cheers to the power of choice.

good night folks and have a great week ahead!


drumsticks said...

how was hiking? what do u have planned up for this weekend? ;)

Joanna said...

Hi there,

I stumbled upon your blog by chance, like your insightful posts.


the Sojourner said...

@ drumsticks : didn't end up hiking. went to sekinchan for photography expedition instead.

@ Joanna : thanks for dropping by - feel free to come back anytime! :)