Saturday, April 25, 2009

the little blessings

(taken from my fb profile for the benefit of those who do not have an fb account)

so often we keep our eyes focused on the big and bountiful blessings - winning the lottery, being promoted at work, getting married etc that we forget about the little blessings.

among others i count the fact that i have friends who know the best and worst of me and love all of me, the ability to look life in the face and laugh in spite of everything, family members who drive me nuts but who also drive most of what i've achieved today the little blessings i have been given and which i am thankful for.

the blue sky of a clear day to lift the spirits, the soft patter of rain in grey skies to soften the heat, the morning star which has steadfast shone all night through. they make me smile in gratitude, eyes uplifted.

i've taken a moment to breathe deeply, smile and send forth some of that cheer and good faith to the people around me.

yes, wars are fought, people die, property is destroyed. but in the instant of a heartbeat, the intervening spaces that make up Life, we find that amidst the tapestry of sorrow, pain, disappointment are interwoven tiny threads of hope, laughter, brightness, love.

taken together they make life worth living.

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