Monday, January 12, 2009

tak terhingga, tak terbilang

sudahkah saat-saat genting berlalu?
igauan buruk, kubangun,
resah, hatiku berkocak
seperti ombak dalam lautan bergelora...

dalam neraka ini,
dikau menunggu hari akhirat,
walaupun ku telahpun sampai
di sini, berhadapan dengan
penghakiman terakhir.

kebencian tak terhingga,
kemarahan tak terbilang.


chongkz said...

Hey! Happy New Year! How have you been?

Tina K said...

crita pasal politik negara kite ke? aku tak paham la sajak ko ni. ish.

Anonymous said...

Hi Petrina (& Yin Harn & Siew Wee),

I won't ask how are you cos I can see (read) that you're all doing real fine. Sorry, had to leave a comment here cos I simply couldn't find your email addresses!
Am writing to ask a favour. I'm doing a research on blogging (language perspective, what else? ;>) and need participants to answer an online survey at Could you be darlings and help disseminate this info to friends who're aged 18-25?
The url has my email address if u need to mail me regarding more info.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Anonymous said...

Ok, I've forgotten to leave my name. Sorry. The above comment is from Ruth, your former lecturer for VSS.
