Sunday, March 15, 2009

life - to be lived with a capital L

what is life?

it's to be lived with a capital L.

it's about exploring, experiencing, enjoying.

it's about laughing heartily, uproariously even,
(because a sense of humour never goes wrong,
not even when you're lying on the hospital bed,
kept away in the CCU,
tubes and needles sticking in your veins,
you're cracking a joke about 'strawberry juice'
after they've given you 1 pint of blood)

it's about crying out your soul,
(because tears refresh and cleanse,
and ensure that you don't carry too much
of the wounds with you;
besides, the soul would have no rainbows
had the eye no tears)

it's about trying new things,
not being afraid of risks and making mistakes
(because all of us do slip up
and if you've gotten lost
take heart and keep going
and the next time, you'll remember
to either get some impressions
or carry a good map)

it's about embracing all
good bad ugly.

it's God's greatest gift to you after all. you're alive. Smile!

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